About Spin Samurai App
The first review of online casinos always uses the desktop. Downloadable casinos are not on our agenda, but check the instant play side of things andChrome,Safari,FirefoxI would like to see if there is a difference between.
From time to time, you'll end up with a casino that's clearly not built for desktop users.Spin Samurai CasinoIs one such casino. It's clearly a mobile-first online casino. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's not great either, and it does mean that using the desktop can cause problems.

The menu icon gives it. On the desktop, menu options are usually available in the always present sidebar. On mobile, tabs are activated with three horizontal lines. These lines are often referred to as "hamburger icons," but in this case the middle line bulges outwards, making it look like a Big Mac about to be hit by a disaster.
You cannot scroll up or down the main page when the menu is open. This means that it works best with the Spin Samurai app, along with a few other issues.
For example, I don't really like how menu icons work. We're careful, so I'm not going to say the little things, but to be honest, anything that causes frustration and slows down your browsing or gaming experience is noteworthy. This is 2020 and you shouldn't have click issues for the same reason you don't expect your site to take more than a second to load.
If you want to play on your desktop, we encourage you to take a look, but if you're used to desktop casinos being a particular method, it's a good idea to prepare for a frustrating gaming experience.